Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Introduction to "Dictionary Disciple"

When I awoke on June 13, 2007 I felt impressed to thumb through a small dictionary I keep nearby. While searching the pages I came across two words that looked almost identical, but when I saw their respective definitions I realized that they were actually diametrically opposed in meaning. The next thing I know I am at my desk writing a 2-page document entitled - "Give Me An H". The thought came to me that there are likely many other similiar paradoxes and dictionary anomalies that may prove beneficial to explore and expound upon. I have since incorporated the "Dictionary Disciple" into my personal website at http://www.johnlemire.com/. Here you will find God inspired poetry, the Dictionary Disciple, helpful tips/hints, motivational content, finance tips and my personal http://www.johnlemiretravel.com/ travel portal for booking your next trip/vacation. Please feel free to visit my site and while you're there, please leave some feedback as to your experience during your visit.

May the Dictionary Disciple be as much a blessing to you, the reader, as it is to me, the author.

Thanks and GOD bless

John A. Lemire

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